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residual oil 【石油】殘油。

residual products

In order to improve oil displacement efficiency of infusing agents and precisely to predict the three dimensional distribution about residual oil , taking the sand body of p 2 individual meandering river - channel in putaohuareservior of daqing oilfield as an example , by analyzing the thin interbeds and vertical permeability discrepancy , this paper brings forward the space configuration of the thin interbeds in single sand body , the vertical permeability distribution and gravitational differentiation which control the distribution of residual oil and the vertical multisection model of displacement efficiency in the condition of excluding exploitation factors and identical single sand - body , 摘要為了進一步提高注入劑驅油效率以及準確預測儲層中剩余油在三維空間的分布,以大慶油田葡萄花油層組p 2小層曲流河道砂體為例,通過對曲流河道砂體內部薄夾層構形及滲透率垂向分布的差異性分析,在排除開發因素差異的同井單砂體分析條件下,提出了單砂體內部薄夾層空間構形、滲透率垂向序列與重力因素共同控制剩余油分布、驅油效率多段垂向序列模式。

It is shown that the gam and alsphene in the seven catalytic stocks were not very high except in residual oil ; the saturate hydrocarbons in all seven were hig her ; aromatic contents were lower except in slurry oil and recycle oil , therefore , t he s even catalytic stocks except slurry oil and recycle oil are all good feedings of catalytic cracking unit 分析測定結果表明,這7種催化原料油除常渣外,膠質瀝青質含量均不高;飽和烴含量均較高;芳烴含量除油漿、回煉油外,其余原料含量均較低,所以除油漿、回煉油外,均是作催化裂化的良好原料。

According to the reservoir conditions and fluid properties , a systematic feasibility study of hot - water injection development is conducted by using a numerical technique for lower interval of du66 block in three aspects : ( 1 ) adaptability of hot - water injection development ; ( 2 ) distribution of residual oil in a later stage of steam stimulation ; and ( 3 ) potential of hot - water injection development 根據杜66塊下層系油藏條件及地層流體性質,從注熱水開發油藏適應性、吞吐后期剩馀油分布規律和注熱水開發潛力等3個方面,利用數值模擬技術對杜66塊下層系注熱水開發可行性進行了系統研究。

Based on the light hydrocarbon compositions and the distributions of n - alkanes and the oil physical features , the genetic mechanisms of the pristine oils , residual oils and retrograde oils in yaha area are discussed , which identified the existence of second gas - condensate reservoirs in the kuche basin 四種不同性質、不同成因的油氣藏共存于同一構造帶上,通過油藏地球化學的精細剖析,較好地理解了這一復雜的過程,顯示了油藏地球化學在油藏形成機理研究中的潛力。

In this paper , the author explains the cross well technology series that suits for the bohai bay area that combines oilfield production with cross well seismic acquisition , processing and result analysis , therefore , a key technical method was provided for oilfield development in eor and determination of residual oil distribution 本文主要結合油田的實際生產,從井間地震的野外采集、資料處理、效果分析等方面總結出一套適合渤海灣地區的井間地震技術系列方法,從而為油田開發提高采收率、挖掘剩余油分布方面提供了一項主要的技術方法。

The evaluation of oil source rocks is based on magnitude of the expelling oil ( expelling oil quantity = net oil quantity - residual oil quantity ) , and the evaluation of gas source rocks is based on magnitude of expelling gas ( quantity of expelling gas = gas quantity of generation - adsorption - dissolving in oil - dissolving in water - diffusion ) 油源巖評價以排油量大小為標準(排油量=凈油量-殘留油量) ,氣源巖以排氣量大小為標準(排氣量=生氣量-吸附氣量-油溶氣量-水溶氣量-擴散氣量) 。

With the development of oil fields , many old reservoirs in the east of china enter the high water - bearing development period . sustaining a high and stable production rate faces severe challenge . the key to preserve oil output in high water cut period is dependent upon the understanding degree to the properties of residual oil distribution . from 1980 ' s , while the study of the reservoir flow unit was proceeded alongside , it has been more widely utilized to characterize reservoir feature and remnant oil distribution . study of reservoir flow unit plays . both theoretically and practically . an important role in recognizing reservoir heterogeneity . performing a high - definition reservoir delineation and understanding the distribution of the remnant oil in the reservoir 隨著油田的不斷開發,我國東部許多老油田已進入高含水期開采階段,保持油氣產量的穩定面臨嚴竣的挑戰,而高含水油田穩產的關鍵取決于對剩余油分布的認識程度。八十年代以來,隨著對儲層流動單元研究的不斷深入,它越來越廣泛地被應到油藏描述和剩余油研究中來,流動單元研究對于認識儲層的非均質性、提高油藏描述精度、搞清剩余油分布具有重要的理論意義和實際意義。

1 . comparing reservoir beds in details step by step , we have divided and compared the deposition time unit in guan 3 - 6 sandstone bed sets , which has been divided into 20 small beds , 30 time units : rebuilding oil sandstone body data table , building graph database , further analyzing the level and section plane configuration and combination pattern of sandstone , and deducing the maze reservoir geology model of river sandstone , are the most important basis for oil reservoir description and residual oil distribution study 1 、采用儲層逐級細分對比方法,對館3 - 6砂層組進行了沉積時間單元的劃分對比,共劃分出20個小層、 30個時間單元;重新編制了油砂體數據表,建立了圖表數據庫,并進一步分析了單層砂體平面、剖面形態以及砂體組合模式,總結出河道砂體屬迷宮式儲層地質模型,這是精細油藏描述及剩余油分布研究的最重要基礎。

In combination with geology , logging and oil production , an integrate technique is used to build the static models for the reservoir , and the simulation software of fully implicit 3d and 3 - phase black oil model is used to describe the distribution of residual oil in quantity 在綜合研究鉆井、測井和開發動態資料的基礎上,運用油藏描述一體化系統建立了油藏三維靜態模型,并應用全隱式三維三相黑油裂縫模型進行了模擬運算。

In addition , side - tracking in old wells can produce residual oil between wells and on structural high , improve pattern arrangement , and control bottom water coning ; it is an effective method for developing minor fault block reservoir with complex lithology and bottom water 同時,老井側鉆既能挖掘井間及高部位剩余油,完善井網,又能有效控制底水錐進,是復雜底水小斷塊油藏經濟高效開發的措施方法。

New geological logging technical method of pyrolysis gas - chromatogram and gas chromatography is briefly introduced to evaluate light crude oil zone and residual oil zone here , involved in geology , geochemical pyrolytic parameter and geophysical method 本論文主要是利用熱解色譜、氣相色譜等地質錄井新技術評價手段,結合地質、地球化學及地球物理方法,針對輕質油層,殘余油水層識別對象開展研究。

6 , clustering analyzing method has been used , and guan 3 - 6 sand bed sets have been divided into 5 fluid units quantificationally . the spacing distribution of the fluid units and their controlling function to the residual oil distribution has been descripted 6 、應用聚類分析方法,定量地將南區館3一6砂層組分為五種流動單元,并描述了各流動單元的空間分布及對剩余油分布的控制作用。

During the development adjustment of oil fields , an effecive adjustment and potential seeking pattern is constructed adapted to the characteristic of oil field sand body and residual oil distribution through a further recognition on the geologic characteristic 通過對油田地質特征不斷深入認識,在油田開發調整中,建立起了適合油田砂體及剩余油分布特點的有效調整挖潛模式。

The foundation of reservoir model and residual oil prediction have been the core of reservoir detailed description for improved oil production and enhanced oil recovery 儲層地質模型的建立和剩余油分布的預測已成為油田開發中后期油藏描述的核心。

Pour point of panjin crude oil and residual oil were depressed 13 and 9 , viscosity of them were depressed 80 . 6 % ( 15 ) and 92 % 該共聚物即富馬酸酯醋酸乙烯酯對盤錦原油可降凝13 ,降粘80 . 6 % ( 15 ) ;對盤錦渣油可降凝9 ,降粘92 % 。

The result of simulation is applied to develop the static model , and a 3d model of residual oil distribution in different period is obtained 將模擬結果返回到靜態模型中進行循環建模,從而建立了不同時期的剩余油定量分布的三維模型。

After comparing several methods often used for repairing a buckled dome roof of 5000m ^ 3 residual oil tank , the positive pressure method is adopted 摘要石油大學石大科技集團勝華教學實驗廠5000立方公分渣油罐拱頂出現失穩變形。

Borehole - to - surface electrical imaging technique and its application to residual oil distribution analysis of the eighth section in gudong oilfield 地電位成像技術及其在孤東八區剩余油分布研究中的應用

Research on fine reservoir characterization and residual oil distribution of complex fault block reservoir at later development phase 復雜斷塊油藏高含水期精細描述技術及剩余油分布規律